Interview with Blackheart

Chandigarh based deathcore/groovecore band, BLACKHEART, are a group of talented teenagers with members under 16 years. We talked with Aman, Abhishek, Gaurav, Arsh and Rahul about their journey so far, future and debut EP ‘Anti Corruption‘.

Hi, Blackheart. Greetings from MetalIndia Team. What are you up to these days?
Abhishek: Thanks a lot MetalIndia , We are composing new songs, practicing a lot!!

Would you please introduce your band to our readers who are not aware of your band and music?
Abhishek: Yeah sure. Wassup Headbangers !! We are ‘BLACKHEART’ from Chandigarh. Our debut E.P ‘Anti-Corruption’ was released recently. Check it out on our ReverbNation Page and do leave comments on our Facebook Page.

Give us a little insight into the formation of the band. When and how did it happen?
Aman: It’s been I think 8 years that we guys are friends, childhood friends, played together, studying together. Earlier we just used to bang heads on other local bands. Then, we just thought that why not go for a band when we all have interest in different instruments.

At what age did you guys start playing instruments? Since when are you into metal music?
Abhishek: It was about 3 years ago , we gained interest in Metal Music and after that we started learning  instruments.

Blackheart recently released its debut EP ‘Anti-Corruption’. Tell us something about it. Walk us through all the 3 tracks’ lyrics and meaning.
Arsh: This name was selected by me and was giving a great combination to our lyrics. In our song’s ( A Silent Vive ) lyrics, you can check that it is just a message to the people of India that our new generation is getting very much disturbed with this corruption thing. The lyrics of the rest two songs are also about a person getting disturbed with  corruption.

How has been the response so far by the listeners? Have you started working on new songs already?
Arsh: Seriously we got more positive response that we thought. Yeah, we already started working on new songs.

‘Death By Poison’ got the most appreciation among all the 3 tracks in the EP. How is the feeling?
Abhishek: Well, this we already knew that it is the only track which had some complicate riffs and sounds the most groovy feel.

The drummer and vocalist are only 14 and 16 years old respectively. Please introduce and tell our readers something more about them.
Abhishek: I would like to tell you guys these 2 persons in our band are from a long chain music Family. They are very talented and have the knowledge of music very well.

When and where did you play your first gig? How was the experience of going live for the first time?
Arsh: Our first gig was at GGS College, Khararr. It was a great and amazing experience. Though we won at our life’s first gig, we all were unexpectedly amazed that how can this be possible?!

Blackheart has participated in many gigs and competitions, and was declared winners on numerous occasions. What, according to you, is the secret behind band’s success?
Abhishek: Seriously the main reason behind all of this is AGE APPRECIATION. But yeah for sure this is not the only reason . We practice hard to compete well and to perform well.

Ever had an epic fail moment during a gig?
Abhishek: Yeah a lot times . But the main reason behind that fail was lack of jamming.

If asked to differentiate Blackheart from other underground metal bands in India, how would you like to respond to it?
Abhishek: Well , guys we don’t like to compare ourselves with other bands in our scene. Every band has its own feel, whether they are performing covers or original.

The band has seen no change in line up since the formation of the band. Is it because, everyone in the band is doing his job perfectly? How compatible are band members with each other?
Arsh:  That is the reason too, everyone is doing their job very unexpectedly amazing. But there is also a kind of attachment between us , because of our 8 years long friendship . Comparing with each other – Rahul , Aman and Shanky have great understanding between themselves . They are very much talented. Me and Gaurav have a different taste among those 3. No Doubt to say that Shanky (Abhishek) is the most talented person in our band . He composed all of the three songs  of our E.P and wrote the lyrics of  “A Silent Vive” and did a great job in his solo from the song “Do Not Panic” But Rahul comparing with his age is also very talented .

Which bands/ artists do you draw your influences from? Which are your favorite Indian bands?
Abhishek: In the Indian scene there are lots of bands. What Escapes Me, Grimmortal, Undying Inc, Third Sovereign, Amogh Symphony and Skyharbor, a lot more though are unique at their best . So we can’t say about it. And for the influences , we want you guys to know that we are very much trying to make the music a combination of Deathcore and Metalcore. In deathcore, we prefer Suicide Silence, Bleed From Within, Veil of Maya, As Blood Runs Black. And for metalcore , we’d like to prefer August Burns Red and As I Lay Dying.

How do you guys manage regular school and jamming for gigs and competitions? How often do you guys jam?
Aman: Haha. Yeah that’s a big problem that we guys are suffering with. Two of us are Science students trying hard for their +2 Boards . We usually jam on weekends.

Blackheart is young blood and very promising. Talking of your future, 5 years from now, where do you see yourself?
Aman: No offence, but we seriously think that in 5 years we can come in the scene of big metal bands of India like Demonic Resurrection, Bhayanak Maut and Undying Inc.

Well, that’s it. Thanks a lot for your time, man. Speak out to all your fans and supporters.
Aman: Thanks a lot MetalIndia for such a great interview. “You Can Be Than More Than You Dream.”  So, Stay Sick Stay Metal Blackheart Loves you all . Thank You !

One thought on “Interview with Blackheart

  1. well.. u all gys are becoming famaus day by day .. best of luck for ur future .. we love ur music ….always make d best music u made so far..

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