Interview with Narsil

Atul Sharma caught up with brutal death metal band, Narsil, for this exclusive interview.

Hello guys! How are the things at your end?
Just brilliant!

Sometime ago you played your 2nd show, looking at the turnout there, don’t you think its kind of overwhelming, what’s the main reason for such huge turn outs?
I ask myself that question quite often. Why would so many people come for the shows. I guess they are just curious to know what is happening around and they must question themselves “why those five people making all those funny noises?” Dude I frankly don’t know why so many people come… I think they are expecting free booze or entry or something but quite frankly I don’t know! Should I tell them not to? I am sorry I am being anal but you have to admit it this was a really stupid question.

Since you have only played in Delhi till now, what other venues and events are you targeting outside the city? A lot of people are curious to know about your GIR participation, can we see that happening especially considering ‘Enslaved’ is headlining the event?
No G.I.R. we aren’t rock nor are we Great Indians. We have played in Mumbai at Resurrection which was a pretty good experience. Now what else do I say…hmm…Enslaved are a surprise…really looking forward to seeing them and others…blah blah blah…We’ll play even Ramdevgarh if they fly us there!

Lyrically what’s your ideology, what all do your lyrics talk about? Who does the writing?
Basically whoever goes to the loo and can convert the sounds he encounters there into corrigible & comprehensible words, DOES the writing…till now its only been shashwat cuz he’s the closest to “that” part of human manure…er…nature. But seriously, the lyrics are about some odd philosophies or daily rants, things we overlook…observations made of a particular circumstance or just anything that makes slightest sense.

It might seem like an irrelevant question to ask about your influences, but still we would like to know your musical inclinations on a personal level? And how do you cement your influences on a common platform?
Where’s the question that says “what does wollen dir kvnt fort mean”?????

Your EP has been received with wide acclaim all across the country, were you expecting such a response from the media and fans? Why do you think people have liked it so much?
Frankly speaking…no…we really weren’t expecting that kind of response (gawwd…we are so modest), Anyway, yeah we got some really good reviews which was something we weren’t really expecting cuz the EP was done in such a hurry.

Narsil’s gigs have been very powerful? How do you manage such intensity? What kind of practice schedule do you follow?
Thanx man but I don’t really know how to answer something like this because we hardly practice…just a couple of serious jams a few days before the gig is that we do. But because its DM and there is so much element of fun involved with it that we can relax and not get tensed during the show! So probably that’s why it comes out better…god knows!

Sometimes DM or BDM bands tend to lose fume, expression & innovation with passage of time, how willing are you to push limits to keep coming out with different things?
Passage of time? Well if you look at the future you will lose sight and focus because one surely cannot anticipate what the mind will perceive then or the circumstances that would prevail. So we just live in our today and enjoy what we are doing…there is no quest or struggle for pushing limits really. If it happens…all good…if it doesn’t…what the hell!

Looking at the progress DM or extreme metal has done in India, do you think we are still behind other Asian countries like Japan, Indonesia or Singapore, which have a huge crop of good bands? Any Asian bands you like or follow?
We’re not BEHIND anyone…we’re to the RIGHT of countries like Japan, Indonesia or Singapore! Look at the globe man!

How do you rate the present generation of Indian bands? Any particular bands you like or respect, apart from your genre?
Reuben likes IIIrd Sovereign cuz he plays there, Kshitish likes Acrid Semblance cuz he plays there, Vicky like(s/d) Hollowcaust cuz Narsil once opened for them and ofcourse, he plays there, Anupam likes all bands that equate people to feces…that’s the Superfuzzes & the Joint Families & the Levitikusses…and Shashwat likes all these bands cuz he likes cheese!

Given a chance which band would you like to open for? Any extreme band you want to see live in India?

Any special message you would like to give to your fans?
Shashwat gives good massages…

Thank you so much for your time! All the best from Team Metalindia!
This didn’t take much time…you must’ve taken more time to compile these questions haha! Thank you too

Jokes apart, Narsil would like to thank you all for the support \m/

Interview by-Atul Sharma

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