Trauma – Neurotic Mass

The polish ways of death metal are self-explanatory considering the   might of Vader and Behemoth, who still run hard and play strongest DM riffs on the planet. And not to forget the sensationally talented but short-lived ‘Decapitated’.
But behind these giant size Polish lights a band called ‘Trauma’ rise. I was blown away by the intensity filled crispy technical DM they offered on the previous 2 records ‘Imperfect like a God’ and ‘Determination’. The latest has more-1. Frontman Kopec (who isn’t very lashy) replacing Chudy, now what this does to the album is a perfect sync between mid-paced riffs over dark inflow and vocal outflow. Its very junkie, greasy and thumpy, a shade better than the previous efforts. The whole structuring on ‘Neurotic Mass’ is refined and acts as your adrenalin lifter. Drumming is well balanced, improvised and gels into sirened leads, pinch harmonics and punchy bass ups along with some sampling thrown here and there. The whole delivery from the band is very microphone centric yet at the same time provides aggressive coagulation of mind filled death metal. Another unique aspect of the album is the creation Of a twin guitar harmonization effect through a single play by ‘Mister’.

The very first track invites you into the pit where you get circled by a bassy groove and towering speed. The steamy lead background act as LSD on the cake that makes you want to move out of your comfort zone but Alas! You are filled with ‘greed’.

Track 2 ‘Altar of vanity’ is another marchy run down the cliff; the leads drill into stormy riffs that never seem to slow down till the end. Gradually moving to track 3 ‘The eternal quest’ the beating becomes much more ferocious, there’s a progressive flow of double base speed breakers, mourning guitars and unique rhythm high-lows, that makes it a master craft. ‘Unexpected lie’this is very vaderish at one point of time I thought I am hearing an excerpt from ‘Blood’ or ‘Revelations’, very repetitive and very similar to what we have heard from the legendary icons. This one sounds forced, I leave it that.

Title track ‘neurotic mass’ is very war filled in nature right from scratch as the riff tanks start to roll at start at a gentle pace. It starts loading with ammunition when the running-in has been done till 3rd minute, ready to fire the radar senses urgency and tumbles it at right spots, henceforth the longest track gets a nod from me for being the most complete and unique track on the record.

‘Immolated’ is next and Ya! The burning is very woodish & phosphorous in nature slow and rapid later. It’s totally maddening in the end with maximum damage done by griefy fixtures.
Final 2 tracks ‘Edge of vegetation’ and ‘Dead Macrocosm ‘are annihilators of the your headphone vegetation, they are rapid, technical, neck spinning and at the same time very technically built, but at the same time very well controlled.

Quite a finish!

If you like the new Vader, new behemoth and CC of late 90’s.this band is for you.And for those who are picking this after their previous releases you better complete your collection!

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