Vicious – Vile, Vicious & Victorious

Sweden is a synonymous in any extreme metallers thesaurus. And, it gives me a unique high whenever I lay my hands on any stuff from the Scandinavian land (be it old or new). The biggest strength of the bands from this country is to create an intense sound that’s thoroughly refined.

Uncover ‘Vicious’. Their music is primary thrash/death. Though, a bit too mainstream and uni-directional at times. But by and large it’s killing, captivating and fast. The guitar sound is rough loaded with a newer thrash tuning, a significant pumped up pace and delivered with crisp melodic long solos is thoroughly refreshing. Each song gets a thematic treatment, cautiously they have ‘Life corrupted’ (track5), ‘Beast’ (track1) exposing the bands hyper activity and terrorizing sound, which are contrastingly matched by core melodic thrash-death on ‘Trigger needs some action’ (track2), ‘Deaththrash’ (track6) and ‘Boots of led’. Vocal chords juggle between a clean hardcore-style, with scanty growls and screams as well. Judging closely I feel it’s a deliberate attempt of the band not to provide a flat-out sound, which actually has worked wonders for the over all totality, by not making it a linear record. It proves the bands creative prowess, not to be just followers. Even after all this prolonged description I have to admit this grudge that aren’t able to overcome recent latest Arch enemy effect. That stringently remains prevalent on 35 min (approx) runner ‘vile, vicious& victorious’

Drumming is, typically mid tempo with impressive double base and blast beats. You are bound to spin them over and over if you haven’t had your share Scandinavian thrash-death, but if you have. Think about the space consideration on your cd rack. ‘Vile’ to an extent, certainly ‘vicious’, ‘victorious’ or not I am still baffled.

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