Vital Remains -Icons Of Evil

Evil music for the evil!!! Is a phrase that can be best equated to Vital Remains and their fans. I would have never dared to open my review in this fashion had Glen Benton not been playing with them. Alright its 4 years since Glen and boys released the superlative ‘Dechristianize’, that catapulted their image from an ordinary death metal band to a mammoth one now. The follow up to it  ‘Icons of evil’ has been unveiled which will be followed by a grueling world tour. Time to gauge the effort by the trio.

‘Where is your God now’ is a venomous intro to the album that opens with title track ‘Icons of evil’ bludgeoning a thunder crust with death-core Benton at the helm. The drum blasts for the fist 1-minute, box out of a heavy weight glove, which is profound, thick and caressing. A minute in and the first touch of progression, slowing the speed makes things very clear that this isn’t going to be like run through ultra fast ‘Dechristianize’. Another element, which is separating it from the previous release, is a superfluous lead portions that crawling out of Suzuki’s guitars. Although they are infectious, lasting and have a traditional touch, however at the same time seem overboard at times. To my utter astonishment on the first track itself one can spot a season change for Vital remains, who look too busy assimilating complex structures with furious brutal rampage. ‘ Scorned’ (track 3) storms in, again those never-ending twisty hellish leads takeover 40 seconds past 1 minute. This being played on an intermediate base drum pace with strangling stick work seems crafted to perfection. Out of the tunnel, they beat with vengeance at 250+ bpm. Mayhem thrown all around as they exhale the last breathe from the guitar during final shell. Yeah!!!! I am listening to vital remains.

Snarls backed by chaotic rhythm section leaps over me with entry of one of my favorite tracks ‘Born to rape the world’. Its composition is very similar to Hate Eternal’s work from ‘King of all kings’, where it stretches elastically and maintains the composure, the biggest difference here is- it’s over-stretched. Nevertheless it has its moments, especially the final minute, which opens up vehemently to swallow you.

‘Reborn in upheaval of nihility’ uniqueness lies in the musician’s ability to group-split-regroup. Let me explain how, exactly at 30 seconds past three minutes Suzuki (guitars) treats you with acoustics followed by whirling leads, a minute later drums start riding the scales and then comes the assault by the sick lord ‘Glen’. Very individualistic yet very cohesive. Track 6 ‘Hammer down the nails’ has a consistently pressurized DAM headstock. It becomes very chaotic during the intermediate where you shall find things flowing in different directions and not falling into voids. On the other hand the chunky slower riff on this song does the trick hallucinating your mind.

A special mention must be given to ‘Erik Rutan’ who as a producer has brought a significant change to sound, direction, progression and focus to Vital Remains. At the same time tracks like ‘Til death’ and ‘Shrapnel embedded flesh’ reflect too much of Erik styled antics.

Summing up, if you are a death metal fan, pick this up for the reasons for which you like death metal. Very well designed but still not there. My money is still for ‘Dechristianize’!!!

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